This website is intended to publish my research and writings specifically around transgender issues in the geographic region of India. From time to time relevant news and other updates about events/incidents in the community, received directly from community members, will also be shared.

What you want to know about me:

Caste, Gender: I am a transgender person and an inter-caste child. On my father’s side I am OBC (Washer community, with a history of forcible separation and isolation from ex-Untouchable washer communities, and partial Untouchability) and dominant-caste Shudra on my mother’s side (disowned by her family upon marriage). I haven’t met anyone with similar experiences, nor do I have complete access to the histories of any of these communities. I hope to share my research and reflections regarding this over time.

Pronouns: they/he

Religion: Born into a practising Hindu family, I have been studying and practising Navayana Buddhism since 2018-19. Formally converted in 2023.

Neurodivergence: I am an autistic person, formally diagnosed in 2023. But I support self-diagnosis, as I do self-determination of life and identity, in all arenas.

Terms I may use: I use Bahujan (not entirely as a caste category, but in the Buddhist formulation as the masses of suffering people with whom I seek equality, fraternity and community), trans and autistic – as self-determined identity categories. Where imposed categories need to be referred those will be used.

What I would want to know from you:

Whatever you feel comfortable sharing, your journey in self-determination, your queries, constructive critiques, your principles and how you’d like to realize them.

How you can support this space:

I am a homeless transgender person, without social security and employment. Please consider becoming a subscriber or donating to my Buy Me a Coffee page so that I continue to do this work here. If that is inconvenient, please reach out to me for other payment options.


The copyright of all published content is retained with me, Mugil Anbu Vasantha, unless otherwise specified. Share with links, citations and acknowledgment.


Personal instagram art journal: @chopt_arts

TDO instagram handle: @tdo.nline